Whether you join or start a Village, a village can either be a DEMOCRACY (D), MONARCHY (M), or ANARCHY (A) village. Those are the letters you see in parentheses () after the village...
Democracy (D) villages are villages where everyone in the village is expected to (1) stay pretty close to the village Interest, and (2) post or comment somewhat frequently, making the village interesting for those in the village. Those in a democracy village can determine how the village is organized and what the rules of the village are.
Monarchy (M) villages are villages where everyone in the village is (1) really expected to stay on the village interest, and (2) really keep up with the village, and (3) really post and comment in the village. A Monarchy village is best suited to those who are really passionate about a specific subject or interest.
Anarchy (A) villages are villages where just about anything goes. You don't have to worry about frequency of posts. An Anarchy village could be a family or those who want to create a village for general discussion,or a group who doesn't want to stick to a specific subject and rules.
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